Technology and Startup Services provide comprehensive support for emerging businesses, offering strategic guidance, development assistance, and innovative solutions to fuel growth and success.
Tailored advice for medical professionals, providing insights on regulatory compliance, career development, and optimal patient care.
Real Estate & Construction involves the development, buying, selling, and construction of properties, encompassing residential, commercial, and industrial projects in the real estate industry.

Our Services


Bookkeeping involves methodically recording and organizing financial transactions to maintain accurate and organized financial records for businesses.


Accounting is the systematic process of summarizing, analyzing, and reporting financial transactions to provide insights into an organization's financial health and facilitate informed decision-making.

Fractional CFO

A Fractional CFO provides part-time, strategic financial leadership to businesses, offering expertise in financial planning, analysis, and decision-making.


Payroll is the systematic calculation and distribution of employee salaries and wages, including deductions and taxes, by an organization.

Tax Support

Tax Support provides assistance and expertise in navigating tax-related matters, ensuring compliance and optimizing financial outcomes for individuals and businesses.

CRA audit

A CRA audit, conducted by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), is a process where the agency reviews an individual's or a business's financial records to ensure compliance with tax laws and regulations.



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